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Message from the President

Since its establishment in 1973, JKC has been mainly engaged in the following four business areas:

◆ Creating JKC Repair Times which indicate a standard time for each individual repair work.
◆ Providing training courses for automobile loss adjusters, insurance claims representatives and others.
◆ Developing efficient and rational repair methods for damaged vehicles.
◆ Studying Damageability and Repairability of vehicles, and advanced safety technologies.

It has also been a member of RCAR, an international body of automotive research centers, and exchanged information on research findings and implemented strategies with other members.


The automobile industry has recently been driving innovation and technical advancement, such as the practical use of automated driving, the use of ICT, and increasing the number of electric vehicles.
In this era of technical revolution, JKC, as a comprehensive research institution, provides high-quality research and services regarding vehicle collision and repair for the insurance and automobile industries, thereby further advancing the motorized society.

Management Philosophy

  1. We actively engage in addressing issues focused on the rationalization and optimization of auto repair and restoration, aiming for sound development of automobile insurance and realization of a rational car society.
  2. We fulfill shareholder expectations by promoting efficient business management and improving business outcomes.
  3. We strive to become a company that boldly takes on challenges for the future, by the continuous efforts of all employees to improve their abilities.